Anatomic Breakage: A Moving Collage of Illustrations Exploring Rupture
Through a series of moving collages and experimental soundscapes, I have created a visual and sensory experience that delves into the concept of rupture. This project aims to challenge conventions and explore new artistic pathways by representing the human anatomy.
Human anatomy, with its complexities and mysteries, has been a source of fascination throughout history. In my work, I employ anatomical illustrations as a visual language to explore the concept of rupture. By breaking down and reassembling these illustrations in motion, I aim to convey a sense of disintegration and fragmentation. The moving collages act as a metaphor for the fractures and disconnections that exist within ourselves and society.
Each collage is meticulously crafted, with carefully selected anatomical elements pieced together to create a visually striking composition. The use of motion adds a dynamic quality to the work, emphasizing the idea of breaking free from stagnant norms. The accompanying experimental soundscapes further enhance the experience, creating an immersive environment that resonates with the visual elements.
The concept of rupture, in this context, goes beyond physical or anatomical interpretations. It delves into emotional, psychological, and societal ruptures. The project invites viewers to reflect on the internal struggles and external pressures that can lead to disintegration and fragmentation. It also prompts contemplation of the potential for growth and transformation that arises from these ruptures.
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