22 Letters Unveiled: An Intimate Social Media Project​​​​​​​
In a digital age where communication is often instantaneous and fleeting, I embarked on a personal project that sought to revive the art of letter writing through social media. Inspired by the quote, "Letters are just pieces of paper... Burn them, and what stays in your heart will stay; keep them, and what vanishes will vanish" by Haruki Murakami, I created a collection of 22 letters, each sent to significant individuals in my life. This project utilized a combination of personal photos, videos from my archives, experimental sound design, and selected fragments of literary quotes, weaving together a tapestry of memories and experiences.
The 22 letters I crafted were a heartfelt exploration of my journey, showcasing different stages of life and significant events. Each letter was carefully composed using a combination of personal photographs, videos, and mixed-media elements. By incorporating these visuals, I aimed to evoke nostalgia, introspection, and a sense of connection with the recipients.
The accompanying videos were experimental in nature, capturing the essence of the moments they portrayed. With a deliberate blend of ambient sounds and carefully crafted audio compositions, the videos took on an evocative quality, enhancing the viewer's emotional experience. Through the fusion of visuals and sound, I sought to convey the essence of the memories encapsulated within each letter.
Furthermore, I incorporated fragments of quotes from books that were significant to me during the creation of each letter. These literary excerpts served as a reflection of the emotions and thoughts that influenced the composition of the letters. By infusing the project with these textual fragments, I aimed to create a bridge between personal experiences and the broader literary realm, inviting recipients to explore the shared emotional tapestry.
The decision to share this project through social media was deliberate, as it allowed me to reach a wider audience and foster a sense of collective introspection. Each letter was posted individually, allowing viewers to follow along with the unfolding narrative. By employing social media as a platform, I aimed to generate discussions, connections, and a sense of shared reminiscence.
"22 Letters Unveiled" was a deeply personal and introspective project that breathed new life into the fading art of letter writing. Through social media, I shared these letters with important individuals in my life, employing personal photos, videos, experimental sound design, and fragments of literary quotes to create an immersive experience. This project aimed to invoke emotions, foster connection, and ignite contemplation in both the recipients and the wider audience. By bridging the gap between personal memories, shared experiences, and the world of literature, "22 Letters Unveiled" aimed to remind us of the enduring power of heartfelt communication, even in the digital age.
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